Apr 26, 2022Liked by AmericanVeteran

This substack is an excellent idea. I managed to save Steve Kirsch's email address months ago. Perhaps he might promote your study on his substack?


I would also try Naomi Wolf's GETTR.


(also the substack author A Midwestern Doctor might also promote it!!!)

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I didn't want to grift off of Steve Kirsch or The Midwestern Doctor - but I do follow both of them and have posted my substack link in their comments and have gotten a few followers from their pages. I may email Steve to see what he thinks! Thanks for the message!

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by AmericanVeteran

Hey, there is no grifting among us defenders of truth! Give it a shot, you never know. I think the only way this will get studied is through a grass roots anecdotal project. And we need to know.

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I appreciate your support! Thank you!

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Mar 20, 2022Liked by AmericanVeteran

Responding to some things AmericanVeteran said to me on a different substack...

The anniversary of my husband's death is approaching (early April) and I'm really hurting again.

There's something I think all unjabbed spouses of jabbed people need to know, sadly, because some of the people who've gotten the jab will die and perhaps die suddenly. What folks need to know is that the "heartbreak" of losing someone you love can be quite literal. There's a strong pattern of people who lose their spouses to heart attacks having heart attacks themselves within a day or two after their spouse dies. (The surviving spouse is probably at risk for a heart attack any time his/her spouse dies unexpectedly, whether from a heart attack or something else...)

The medical establishment "doesn't get it" but many, many heart attacks happen because sudden severe stress causes a huge surge of sympathetic nervous system activity that can "train wreck" the heart...especially if the person doesn't have enough "parasympathetic reserve" to counter the surge. People need to be prepared for this possibility. If I hadn't been prepared, I myself would have died within 24 hours of my husband's death.

An autopsy was done, not because I requested one but because all "unexpected" deaths are investigated in the county where my husband and I lived. The official cause of death was heart attack but that's the default when no other cause is found. A doctor/friend of my husband had a different theory and I think she was correct...but it was unrelated to the jabs so I won't go into detail here.

I think my husband destroyed his vaccine card so I would never find it...I might be able to get his lot number somehow but I think it would be a big hassle and I haven't thought it worthwhile.

My understanding is that transmission can occur skin to skin, by exchange of body fluids, or by aerosol (breathing some of the jabbed person's exhaled breath). I've heard two opinions -- (1) the spike protein is transmitted; (2) the graphene is transmitted. I haven't heard much detail on transmission and I'd like to know "the latest" if you have a resource re: this.

Do you know your husband's lot number?

About your jab injury symptoms -- With heart palpitations, from my own *general* (not jab-related) experience with "heart stuff", I know that potassium and magnesium taurate can be helpful. I keep afib (which I had quite a few nights for a few weeks) at bay by taking potassium (currently 400mg), and I also take magnesium taurate at bedtime. For "brain stuff", magnesium can be helpful and I've read that magnesium threonate is excellent at crossing the blood-brain barrier. And I know some "brain chemistry docs" recommend magnesium glycinate. I don't know whether any of these supplements would be helpful with jab-related symptoms.

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Thank you for setting up this substack, AmericanVeteran!

I'm unvaxxed and I'm quite sure that I've had an adverse event from my husband's Pfizer jabs, which he got without telling me.

My husband died several weeks after his second Pfizer injection due, I believe, to an unrelated medical mistake. I found out that he'd gotten the Pfizer jabs only because his doctor (who had been my doctor, too, for some years though I'd recently transferred to a different doc) called me a few months later out of concern about my health. The doctor thought I'd probably gotten the jabs also, since my husband did. He called to say he'd had two jabbed patients with serious blood clots (one of whom was not responding to treatment with "the most powerful anticoagulant available"), and after researching and learning about blood clotting from the jabs, he was asking all his jabbed patients get d-Dimer tests. The results of the testing were alarming. He was relieved to hear that I had not gotten the jabs.

It took me "forever" to put two and two together, but I'm quite sure that I have significant heart damage caused by something transmitted to me during sex with my husband. Because of busy schedules, we set Sunday mornings aside for intimacy. On a Monday morning in February a year ago (and this would have been one to three weeks after his second jab), I woke up with bizarrely irregular heartbeat and a mild intermittent "not enough blood flow to brain" feeling, but absolutely no pain or pressure like a heart attack. I had had angina a few times over the years but still had "no problem" ECGs and then a "beautiful" (cardiologist's opinion) stress echo some time before COVID came around.

I saw my doc that Monday afternoon and she confirmed my heartbeat was very irregular. Due to thoroughly dysfunctional medical system, I didn't get an ECG until a month later and found out only almost 2 months after that, by asking the ECG lab for a copy of my test, that my ECG showed three indications of significant damage.

By then I was on the verge of moving to a different state and frankly I've become so disgusted with the entire field of "Western Medicine" that I haven't been willing to follow up with a cardiologist in my new location. I'm now working on finding an (unjabbed) naturopath who is knowledgeable about COVID-19 jab injuries and I'll see what that doc says about my heart.

I've done some research on emerging treatments for COVID-19 jab injuries and I think I should get treated. To other "unvaxxed" women with "vaxxed" husbands, I recommend treatment for both of you. I wrote up some information on the jab injuries and emerging treatments (with links to detailed information) and you can find it at the website I'm linking. Scroll all the way to the very bottom of the wide center column at this website and you'll find what I wrote, which will give you an overview plus really good resources. (The rest of the website has lots of materials you may find interesting, too.)


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Sometime later, I updated my material on the realcovidresearch website. If you find my original material there, you'll also find a link you can click to read the updated version. Skip the original and go straight to the updated version...

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Thanks Kayla. Ill have to read through it. I am still feeling side effects from my husbands jab. Or at least what I believe is most likely from his jab. I now have a horrid itch on my elbow. Its so weird. I have a friend who have me some IVM and that has helped get rid of the itch believe it or not. It does seem to come back though so I am not sure what to do at this point as the skin on my elbow is not eczema looking or anything. I keep it moisturized but it itches like hell. Ill take a look at your website again. thanks for posting your update.

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Well, I'd like to tell my story June 2021 I went to my hairdresser who I knew was vaccinated the very next day I felt like I was dying. I posted online and some friends told me to go see Holistic urgent care in Scottsdale and do an oxygen ozone treatment in my blood. Within a few hours. I felt about 40% better within three days I did another treatment I was about 70% better I did another oxygen ozone treatment a week later and I was at about 90%, I tried at that point to avoid vaccinated people about eight months later I ran into my ex-boyfriend who I was still in love with, and found out he was vaccinated. I was so disappointed. Truth be told one year later we got married I showed him so much evidence over the year about the vaccinations and we did many detox protocols in the beginning he would get sick quite often now he never gets sick and he's fine on the other hand. I myself have had the following symptoms. In the beginning I had extreme headaches I called it a helmet headache there were days where I could not get out of bed, I was completely lethargic by 3 o'clock in the afternoon and cannot really function. I spent most of my time in bed in the mornings I would wake up with chronic fatigue. I continued periodically with the oxygen and ozone treatments as they were very expensive along with IV therapy with high-dose vitamin C I also took NAC which was very helpful. I developed respiratory issues and started doing breathing treatments with liquid NAC, which was extremely helpful. I have done chlorine dioxide is a detox. I have detox for parasites. I am now doing my third round in the past two years for the parasites, I take Nattokinase on a daily basis, which helps. I also take nicotine patches for the tinnitus in my ears, which never really goes away. Eight months after marriage. I asked my husband to move out because I was feeling emotionally distant because of our different viewpoints. I am awake he is asleep. I keep trying to wake him up but it seems he is affected mentally and spiritually he has not advanced as much as I have into coming to the truth, but I love him dearly, we are now working on our relationship again and I don't know how to tell him but I don't want to have sex. How horrible is that? Not sure what's going to happen to this day I have extreme IBS and incontinence issues. I'm 55 years old, relatively healthy I do not smoke I do not drink I exercise 3 to 4 times a week, I do colon cleanses and take so many vitamins. The problem that I still have today almost 2 years later I have tinnitus that will not go away. I have IBS that will not go away and I have chronic fatigue. I'm currently doing ivermectin 15 mg a day along with Fendenbendazole now for 14 days along with 21 mg of nicotine patch for the past seven days I feel better but I am not my old self, we both believe in our heavenly father we follow the commandments we try to walk is the father walks and how Jesus walked. There's also lotta corruption and religion, so I don't want to go too deep into that but we pray a lot about what is happening especially me I believe in holistic medicine, I don't go to the regular Western medical doctor because I don't trust them. I am at a loss I don't know what to do so I reached out to Dr. Perry and I'm hoping to learn more on this thread May our heavenly father have mercy on us all. May God continue to bless all those who seek in truth and may we find a solution for all those that are desperately trying to save their health, their relationships and their spiritual walk.

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Hi Kim, I totally understand what you are going through. When my husband got the vax he lied to me for 6 months. I can not trust him fully like I did before. I have lost respect for him as well because his need to get a shot was so blinding and so forceful that he did so even though I demanded that he not get it. I even said I would divorce him which are words that I had never said to him before. I was that adamant that he not get this shot but he got it anyway. I felt total betrayal. I do worry that I will wake up one day and he will be dead next to me. I pray for him every single day. So far God is watching over him and he is healthy.

Of course I didn't leave, but I have still have not healed from his lies....because if he lied about these shots, then what else could he lie about? He knows this. We have to rebuild our marriage and our trust. Its been a difficult road for me. I am sure he can still feel my distance from him. It is his fault and he knows it.

If you married your husband KNOWING that he already had the shot, then you think about why you married him despite his covid brainwashing. He may have made a different decision if you both were to have a conversation before getting injected. Perhaps he would have chosen a different route. You can not and should not hold that against him.

I do believe that the "Left" which is a construct that I don't believe in but its easier to discuss the difference between a democrat and a conservative this way. I do believe that the "Left" brainwashes and literally lies to and gaslights the American population. The media lies, the government lies and now we have a nation full of mentally ill people who are obsessed with the flu. I started sending article after article for my husband to read and podcast after podcast for him to listen so that I could wake him up. My husband FINNALY is awake but it took 2 years and even now he is not exactly at the same point as I am but better than he was.

As far as your body goes, I am not a doctor, but I was a nurse many moons ago. I am the same age as you also. I would suggest you look at your diet and stop deworming yourself. Fenben and IVM are excellent drugs, but there is not reason to use both. Fenben is actually a broad spectrum de-wormer so there is no reason to use IVM with Fenben. I would also not do it more than 2x a year. That could be causing the IBS, but I doubt it. What does cause IBS is glyphosate or Round Up and other chemicals in our food supply.

If you read my past stacks, you will read that I was pretty sick all the time. I had skin irritations, my joints ached and just a feeling of un-wellness even before the plandemic.

I started growing or sourcing of our food from local farmers. I only buy whole foods nothing processed. Nothing bioengineered and no meats from the stores because those meats have mRNA and other vaccines in them. I like to know where my food comes from SO I grow what I can.

The last couple of years, I grew 100% of our veggie needs. We have chickens that lay our eggs and we grow meat birds in the summer for our family. I know a few local farmers that I purchase raw milk from and I buy grass fed ONLY beef and pork, For fish, I buy only from Wild Alaskan. Here's a $25 off coupon if you'd like to try it. https://wldaskn.com/w/4mQhaZ

Good food is medicine for the human body and God made it that way so we can heal ourselves. There are even books in the bible talking about herbs and food healing the body.

Genesis 1:29

'Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food."

It sounds like to me that you are consuming a lot of conservative talking points which are great, but can also be just as bad as leftist talking points. If you want your relationship to heal and grow, I would suggest putting aside the podcasts and news for a while and finding something that is truly good for your soul after all there is literally NOTHING you can do to change what is going on in our world. Nothing. We are at the hands of some really evil people, so be someone who is strong and thoughtful about what your convictions are, but allow your partner to make his own decisions because at the end of the day, he has his own mind and thoughts about things.

Gardening has really helped me ground myself and my heart to knowing what is right and wrong. I do consume a couple of hours a day of political podcasts, but then I turn that off and listen to music as I work in my garden, or cook, bake or what ever else I enjoy doing. There needs to be a balance of the food you consume and the political commentary you also consume.

As far as sex goes, I totally get that and understand what you are going through here. I started douching after sex. I knew I could at least get rid of some of those nano-particles that he was giving me. I don't know what else to do at this point, but I have also given my husband detox tea numerous times and feed him good food to flush out the bad stuff. There is no going back at this point and his DNA will never be the same. I struggle with this also.

Anyway, I hope you can find some solace. Find something that makes your heart and soul heal.

God Bless you and yours!

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I'm not sure you'll find anything new to you in the updated version. Mainly I just combined the two original posts into one document, might have added a detail here or there. About your elbow, I wonder if using "horse paste" as a topical would work. Might be good to get it checked by a dermatologist, if you haven't already. I've had a couple of skin cancers (not melonoma, another kind that's not as risky) where the only symptom was a stinging itch that I couldn't stop rubbing/scratching. IVM is an effective anti-cancer drug for some cancers, BTW.

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Can you tell me what kind of skin CA you had? I do have a stinging itch. It's horrible. What did you do for yours? I have read numerous articles about IVM and Fenbendazol being excellent cancer treatments. I am wary of any doctor these days and I doubt any of them would prescribe IVM or Fen if I needed it since the AMA has all but threatened doctors who speak out or prescribe treatments that actually work.

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Here is my story. But before I start I would like to say thank you Dr. Korry, from the bottom of my heart. I found out about you in 2021 from a popular Romania tv show " Marius Tuca" show. The doctor that was invited that day was a doctor from Florida of Romanian origins. He was talking highly about you, and how he successfully used ivermectin to treat patients( thanks to your protocol) in the private hospital he was working at. And now my story: went to my friend's house ( both of them double vaccinated at that time) and stayed about an hour talking to them. All three of us we were standing and we were very close to each other. I was the only one in the group not vaccinated. After I left their house, in about 30 minutes a whole bunch of very strange symptoms started suddenly. It felt as if someone was pushing my head in several spots at the same time. Then my eyes became incredibly itchy, and started to feel very dizzy and tired. I knew it was shedding. I went to their house perfectly healthy and came home sick. What helped me recover was an aggressive covid protocol and acupuncture. The next day I was back to normal. Because of shedding, I don't dare anymore to go for massages. I bought a massage bend instead. I also don't go to yoga or Pilates classes because I know that most people are vaccinated. After that event, I still got shedding but the usual symptoms were sudden fatigue and dizziness. Every since I have been taking the three supplements recommended by Dr. Korry, I have rarely experienced shedding, and is usually not strong like before. But now is rather exceptional. I must also add that I follow a strong regimen of ( daily) of vitamins, supliments, herbs, and mushrooms such as Reishi, Cordyceps, and Chaga. I also take Astragalus, Lomatium( which is part of the covid protocol but many doctors never heard of it), and Triphala. On top of that I take high dozes ( which are actually the right dozes) of vitamin D and C. Dr. Fauci himself takes 9,000 IU of vitamin D every day. I believe we should all take at least that much. Just ask yourself: why is he taking that much vitamin D? Here is what I think: because he knows that it benefits him greatly! That's the only reason.

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Hello Gabriella, I wanted to say THANKYOU for commenting on my stack and talking about the adverse reactions you have felt from shedding. I do want to let you know that this is not Dr. Kory's substack.

I started this substack a couple of years ago when my husband got the shot and didnt tell me. Then I had tons of adverse reactions that you can read about in previous substack articles that I wrote and my goal was to have people leave their comments about what happened to them since it was highly censored around the internet.

You can start here and read some comments. You are not alone!

Thank you for posting!

American Veteran

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I am unvaxxed nearly 50 yo gal who’s a “cleaner.” I solely own and operate a housekeeping business. I’ve been with my client before, but during and after the Covid/Vaxx craziness. And I have been super sick!! It comes and goes. I didn’t put it together about the shedding until just recently (end of January 2023) that that’s what could be making me sick! But it makes sense as I am a sensitive person. I was diagnosed with CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome) with bloodwork and HLD gene analysis Spring of 2023. I don’t think it’s “mold” from WDBs that’s causing my issues! I think it’s the shedding as most my clients are vaxxed. Because I’ve Ben with the so long I’ve seen a lot of interesting things too: deaths, cancers, autoimmunes, etc. I’ve been on an aggressive treatment with Ivm for the past 3 weeks but I just got sick again!! Albeit this time I’m not as bad as the typically would have been but still…the worst is the headache and neck/spine pain.

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Thank you for talking about this! I have heard about massage therapists having the same exact problem after massaging someone who was vaxxed. You can assume that every single person on the face of this planet are now vaxxed. This was by design.

Its absolute insanity to watch people you know and love get sick with rogue cancers, die of random heart attacks, autoimmune diseases or add to their list of autoimmune maladies. Perfectly healthy people just randomly keel over and die. Its so sad but it is exactly what these criminals wanted.

As far as taking IVM, you could move to a more broad spectrum de-wormer like Fenbendazole. There is lots of research out there about Fenben. I will post some links for you below.




there are literally hundreds of studies about cancer and Fenben on pubmed. Here's a link to get you started https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3580766/

and I just found this article. Super interesting that interesting that in June of 2020 the NIH published this article about how off label drugs can protect from covid. What an absolute SCAM this entire thing has been! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7332862/

I don't know if you eat a clean diet, meaning one that would be an anti-inflammatory diet. Fresh ORGANIC/SMALL FARM raised fruits, meats and veggies as well as wild caught fresh fish. Cut our toxic food from the grocery stores and learn to either grow your own food or source from small local farms. Learn to preserve your food that you find. I am telling you that it is SO VERY rewarding to have food that you grew on your plate!

I wish you luck and good heath!

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Thanks for the resources I’ll check it out!

I was introduced to Fenbendazole a few months back. Being that it’s a ‘azole’, would it also be classified as one of the azoles that cause brain inflammation?

As far as my latest “exposure,” unfortunately, things got worse for me on day 5 and 6 instead of better… last night was absolutely misery.

FYI…I’ve been mostly meat-based for 5 years.

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Feb 27Liked by AmericanVeteran

A project I worked on for a health influences states this information:

Use of Prescription Antifungal Medication

(Azole Antifungals) e.g., Diflucan (Fluconazole),

Itraconazole, Clotrimazole, Ketoconazole, Voriconazole, Miconazole)

can cause

BRAIN ATROPHY Results seen in brain MRI (Neuroquant),

1) Puurand M, Tepp K, Timohhina N, Aid J, Shevchuk I, Cheskulayev V, Kaambre T. Tubulin B11 and B111 isoforms as the regulators of VDAC channel permeability in health and disease. Cells 2019; 8: pii: E239. 2) Head S, Shi W, Yang E, Nacev B, Hong S, Pasunooti K, Li R, Liu J. Simultaneous targeting of NPC1 and VDAC1 by Itraconazole leads to synergistic inhibition of MTOR signaling and angiogenesis. ACS Chem Biol 2017; 12: 174-182. 3) Head S, Shi W, Zhao L, Gorshkov K, Pasunooti K, Chen Y, Deng Z, Li R, Shim J, Tan W, Hartung T, Zhang J, Zhao Y, Colombini M, Liu J. Antifungal drug itraconazole targets VCAC1 to modulate the AMPK/mTOR signaling axis in endothelial cells. PNAS 2015; E2726-E7285.

So my assumption that FenBen may do the same since it too is an ‘azole was based on this info I saw. I don’t have certainty in this claim but rather curiosity. It’s hard to know what handmade things we can trust.

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I found this rather large study on Fenben and how it effects the body in all kinds of disease processes. This study says that encephalitis was reduced but then came back after fenben was stopped.


"Two well-described mouse models of experimental autoimmune encephalitis were examined during the use of a 13-wk therapeutic regimen to eradicate pinworms.41 These models involve the injection of a peptide to induce Th1-driven disease. As quantified using a clinical scoring system, fenbendazole reduced the incidence of disease, clinical onset, duration, and severity in 75% of the mice as compared with untreated control animals. However, the pattern and incidence of disease induction returned to normal 3 wk after the cessation of fenbendazole treatment."

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this study is about brain cancer and how Fenben halted the cancer.


interestingly enough the scientists injected Luciferase which causes brain cancer. Luciferase also is in the covid vaccines. Humm weird! anyway, fenben cured the brain cancer.

"We first observed the anti–brain tumor activity of benzimidazole family anthelminthics serendipitously when the animal facility started providing fenbendazole-containing food to the mice colony to eliminate pinworm infections. One of our orthotopic brain tumor models stopped forming tumors, whereas before the fenbendazole therapy, we had consistent, reproducible tumor engraftment. This prompted us to investigate commercially available benzimidazoles: fenbendazole, thiabendazole, MBZ, and ABZ, by first using GBM cell lines in vitro. On the basis of superior IC50s levels (Fig. 1A and data not shown) and FDA approval of human use, we decided to focus on MBZ and ABZ for in vivo preclinical evaluation."

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I think that after 40+ years that Fenben and IVM have been on the market are probably some of the safest drugs a person can take. I am NOT a doctor though. I have read literally hundreds of articles and studies from the NIH website and pubmed about these two drugs specifically as well as different herbs and the conclusion is herbs are safe but can react to prescription meds and these two drugs are safe for a lot of different things.

I havent heard anything about these drugs causing brain inflammation. Do you have links to research you have done supporting this?.

I hope you feel better!

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